I have been a consultant upper GI surgeon in Bristol since 2015, specialising in minimally invasive and endoscopic treatments of oesophageal and gastric disease. I work in the regional center for oesophagogastric cancer and am one of two consultants delivering the full range of endoscopic treatments for Barrett’s oesophagus in this cancer network. My interest in Barrett’s oesophagus has led me to coordinating a network wide focus group with the aim of standardising and improving the quality of care for patients with Barrett’s oesophagus. I have worked with my colleague Andrew Hollowood in Bristol for four years and we now work as partners in Spire Bristol Hospital.
I am a general and upper GI surgeon specialising in keyhole and endoscopy-based treatments. This includes hernia surgery of any type, gall bladder surgery and surgical techniques for the treatment of reflux and achalasia.
I am the chair of the upper GI multidisciplinary team in Weston General Hospital, where I provide a specialist outreach service for upper GI cancer and complex benign upper GI conditions.
In University Hospitals Bristol (UHB), I am the lead for mortality review for the division of surgery, coordinating our learning from deaths program for surgical teams. I am also the surgical lead for Emergency Laparotomy, and with colleagues in anaesthetics, am responsible for driving quality improvement for high risk emergency surgery. Finally, I have taken on a lead role in standardising and improving the quality of care for patients with Barrett’s oesophagus within UHB, and in an advisory capacity across our cancer network.
General Medical Council Number: C4719269
* Results from the GMC revalidation process.
Gastrointestinal cancer
Motility disorder
Gastrointestinal surgery
Laparoscopic surgery
Minimal access surgery
Pancreatic and biliary surgery
Upper gastrointestinal cancer
Royal College of Surgeons
Association of Upper GI Surgeons (AUGIS)
British Hernia Society (BHS)
International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (ISDE)
“Mr Wilkerson has excellent interpersonal skills, which suited me as a patient. His clinical knowledge was effective. Sense of humour and caring, very helpful. ”
“Very professional, gave me all the information I needed so minimal questions to ask.”
“Extremely thorough, unhurried, kind, informative and deeply understanding. Wonderful doctor- wow!”
“Exemplary treatment by a most professional consultant.”